Ethical Guidelines and Procedures


Ethical Guidelines and Procedures 

Ethical upright conduct is an essential component of Zen practice and awakening. Brattleboro Zen Center is committed to facilitating a supportive practice environment where we can come to realize that our personal awakening is intimately tied to those around us. In the course of practicing together, conflict and disagreement will inevitably arise. The health of our Sangha is not measured by the presence or absence of conflict, but rather by our collective willingness to find effective, responsible, and compassionate resolution when it arises. Each situation provides us an opportunity to manifest awakening and the practice of the Buddha way.

Brattleboro Zen Center’s Ethical Guidelines and Procedures describes our members’ commitment to practicing together in alignment with the sixteen Bodhisattva precepts. The document was adopted by the Board of Directors in 2023.

The policy includes procedures for addressing and resolving questions of conduct of the leaders and members should they arise. Sangha members Vera Riley and Lama Naomh Tomás have been appointed as our Sangha Harmony Allies. Together with the Guiding Teacher, they are available to assist in resolving conflicts. You can contact them directly, or ask any of them to contact you by e-mailing

The full policy document can be accessed here. Further questions can be addressed to members of the Board of Directors.

Sangha Harmony Allies

I’m a retired psychotherapist with over 30 years experience. I’m a mother,a grandmother and in a relationship with a loving man.
My life’s focus now is to be helpful coming from a place of compassion based in Buddhist ways of being

Vera Riley

Sangha Harmony Ally           


Venerable Lama Naomh Tomás OCBM, is an ordained monk in the Order of Celtic Buddhist Monastics in the lineage of Yeshe Tungpa Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

He facilitates the Meditation and Recovery group that meets at the Zendo on Wednesdays and has been a member of the sangha for three years.

Lama Naomh Tomás

Sangha Harmony Ally




Donations for Brattleboro Zen Center

Brattleboro Zen Center is funded solely by donations. If you are moved by what we offer, please consider supporting us. A little goes a long way towards covering our operating expenses; a recurring donation goes even further.